I really like this game- I love the competition aspect, the game itself is amazingly fun, and the requirement for rhythmic concentration is very cool... And surprisingly challenging. The soundtrack itself is also pretty great. Plenty of great things about this app, but heres that big "BUT...:" the app has a few glitches that are absolutely infuriating, if youre a perfectionist (and, since the only way to have a hope of winning the competition is to be perfectionistic... Well, its infuriating to EVERYONE, Id imagine.)
The most frustrating glitch/bug is that sometimes, a "swipe" for a trick will not register- say theres a white target, and you swipe up at the perfect second... You still might hit the obstacle, as if you didnt jump at all. Ive noticed this in particular in the first half of the competition play, past the woman on the ground, when you have to jump onto the hood of a car. About 40% of the time, you swipe, it seems like everything is fine for the split second afterward... And then you wipe out!! I almost punched my iPod a few times, lol.
That, and sometimes when you try to restart a level, the app crashes.
Yes, these are frustrating issues that need to be fixed before Id give this app a 5-star rating, but even with its issues, its still a solid 4- simply for the hope of winning a free board! :D *fingers crossed*
fireyeyedtyrants about Penny Time